Sunday 1 June 2008

Stone Blames Bad Karma For China Earthquake

Sharon Stone left Chinese journalists stunned at the Cannes Film Festival in France last week when she suggested the country's recent earthquake was "karma." The outspoken actress was talking to a Chinese media outlet on Thursday when she linked the recent disaster, which left more than 67,000 people dead, to China's recent treatment of Tibetans. She said, "All these earthquakes and stuff happened and I thought, 'Is that karma?' When you are not nice, bad things happen to you. I'm not happy about how the Chinese are treating the Tibetans, I don't think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. They're not being very nice to the Dali Lama, who's a good friend of mine." Stone's comments come after Chinese security forces attacked Tibetan monks and other ethnic Tibetans after a peaceful independence rally in March turned violent. The protests marked the annual anniversary of a failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule, which has been in place since 1951. The violent incident, which left at least 16 people dead, prompted many countries to boycott part or all of the opening ceremonies for the Beijing Olympics in China later this summer.

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